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McTigue Lab Research    

Discovery theme 1: Understanding myelin biology after SCI


After traumatic spinal cord injury, adult progenitor (NG2+) cells proliferate and their progeny differentiate into new oligodendrocytes that remyelinate spared axons. Identifying and understanding the mechanisms that drive spontaneous repair processes such as these is important so that beneficial plasticity is not inadvertently interrupted. Select McTigue lab publications in this theme include:









Discovery theme 2: Understanding liver & systemic metabolic pathology after SCI


The liver is essential for numerous physiological processes, including filtering blood and regulating iron storage and release. The liver is also an important immune organ and plays a critical role in response to infection and injury. Liver functions are regulated by autonomic parasympathetic innervation from the brainstem and sympathetic innervation from the thoracic spinal cord. The McTigue lab has shown that key liver functions become dramatically altered by SCI and influence injury outcomes. McTigue lab papers in this theme include:





Check out the full list of McTigue Lab research publications here!


Current McTigers

Lori Hudson, Lab manager

Ping Wei, Technician

Christina Lepak, Technician

Rochelle Diebert, Technician

Yue Liu, Technician

Ajay Medipally, Technician

Ana Dias, Research Associate

Christina Marion, Post-doc

Lindsay Milich, Post-doc

Maria Balch, Post-doc



McTigue Lab PhD and Post-doc Alum


  • Anthony Alfredo, MS

  • Damon DiSabato, PhD postdoc, currently a Health Program Specialist at NINDs

  • Dina Hafez, MSc

  • Yonaida Valentine, PhD student

  • Matt Wainstein, MSc

  • Nafisa Noor, Undergraduate 

  • Rahwa Ghenbot, Undergraduate

  • Nicki Pukos, PhD - currently a Research Scientist at Sarepta Therapeutics

  • Matt Goodus, PhD - Craig H. Neilsen post-doctoral fellow

  • Zoe Hesp, PhD - currently a thought leader at UCB

  • Evan Goldstein, PhD - currently an assistant professor at Augusta University, SC

  • Jamie Church, PhD - medical writer, Excerpta Medica BV 

  • Andrew Sauerbeck, PhD - currently an Asst. Prof, Washington University, St. Louis, MO

  • Fatma Rezan Sahinkaya, PhD, CMPP - currently an Associate Director, Scientific Publications, NY

  • Akshata Almad, PhD - currently a Senior Scientist, Merck, Philadelphia

  • David Schonberg - currently a Medical Director, Atara Bioterapeutics, Cleveland OH

  • Richa Tripathi, PhD - Medical Writer at Oxford PharmaGenesis, England



Myelinating GFP+ oligodendrocyte wrapping around axons

OPC-GFP pic.tif

NG2+ glial cell in spinal white matter

clec4f macgreen_veh_liver_clec4f _macgreen_5_proj.tif

Liver GFP+ macrophages stained for Clec4f  


NG2 glia and astrocytes 

bordering a spinal cord injury lesion

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